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Photography opportunities 2/10/17 thru the weekend

Just a quick FYI, Next weekend has a bunch of opportunity for a lot of great shooting

Boulder City HS is hosting a High School and Jr. High School Rodeo starting on Friday till Sunday. Sunday a lot of the families have a long way to go to get home, so they try to get over as quick as they can. I shot this last year, HAD A BLAST, I got a lot of really good shots, You can get pretty close to the rails in a few spots.


Women's Tennis

Going to ride a train to see some eagles in AZ

Ok, I just read about this place in the RJ that comes weekly in the mailbox. In between Sedona and Jerome AZ is a town called Clarksdale. They have train ride that goes up through a place called Verde Canyon. Here is the website

The lady I talked to said that they have at lease 15 eagles and of those, 5 are maiting pairs. Some nests are visible from the train.

The train costs $90 for first class & $65 for coach/$60 if your 65+.

A different kind of Contest

I had an idea that I thought I would share.

What if?? We were all given the same photo in a raw file, and given one week to see what we would do with it in post process? Everyone has the same file, and we all put our own touch to it?

We could maybe use this on a month that we are not able to have a speaker or maybe a saturday get together.

We all judge them (Some how) and see what happens.

What do you think??

Someplace to go get some shots

This weekend is the White Pine County Fair Its in Ely

find a place to go shoot

I came across this site and thought I would share it. Seems like a good way to find a place to go shoot. You can look by the state and by what kind of festival you want to go to.

where are you going to shoot??

Ok, let's see where this goes. There is a parade Saturday 2/13, downtown from 10 till 1. Its for the Chinese new year. I think it is on Fremont from 11th to 7th. Then there is a 5k run called ( get this) the undie run. People running in their underwear. God only knows what there will be to see. I plan to park at the El Cortez and hope to validate for free parking. Otherwise I will find a casino downtown that will let me park for free with validation. Maybe breakfast and most assuredly lunch. Who is in with me?? Addison
n_engineer's picture

Adobe Creative Jams

On February 11, 2016, the Adobe Creative Cloud team will be hosting a Creative Jam, an inspiring two-part experience that demonstrates and celebrates creativity.

The Adobe Creative Cloud team will host a Creative Jam presentation, which will be a one-hour showcase highlighting the work of 3 local creative leaders.

UNLV Tennis & Soccer

Hey!? Is anyone planning on going to photograph the mens tennis or womens soccer thisnweekend?

Just hoping so, I have more fun when others are there as well.

Let me know


Nikon D700 kit and Think Tank Belt Kit for sale

For Sale

Nikon D700 Kit:

Nikon D700 Body (around 24,000 actuations)

Nikon MB-810 Battery Grip

Nikon MH-18A Quick Charger

Nikon MH-21 Quick Charger for Battery Grip

Nikon EN-EL4 Battery for Grip

Pearstone EN-EL4 Battery for Grip

Three (3) EN-EL3e Batteries

Asking : $950


Think Tank Belt System

New Think Tank Pro Speed Belt 2.0 L-XL 

New Think Tank Strobe Stuff 

New Think Tank Lens Changer 15 V 2

Barely Used Think Tank Lens Changer 15v2

Barely Used Think Tank R U HOt

NCCPres's picture


I had the privilege of shooting on August 12th with Canon Explore of Light Rick Sammon and his wife Susan at Techatticup, near Nelson, NV.  Rick loves the old cars and yesteryear feel to the place.  He has a blog site that frequently has invaluable information about photography--tools, techniques, and tips.  He posted one August 15th about taking images with IMPACT, something I've always been concerned with in my own work.  How many of us take beautiful, pleasing, technically on-the-money images that just don't have much zip, thrill...IMPACT?  I do it all too often.

Our Sponsors

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6295 S. Pioneer Way
Las Vegas, NV 89113

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4511 W Sahara Ave.
Las Vegas, NV 89102