The merits system is designed to encourage and reward members for participation in club activities and the photographic learning process. There are many ways members can earn merit points, including (but not limited to) attendance at meetings, serving as an officer or committee chairperson, serving as a special committee member, participation in monthly and special competitions, receiving an award in selected non-NCC photo contests, completing accredited photography courses, attending workshops, publishing photographs in printed material, belonging to PSA, being a guest speaker or judge for another photographic group. NCC Merit Awards System NCC Merit Points Reporting Form
Pins and bars are awarded as follows:
- 200 merit points - NCC pin and 200 bar
- 500 merit points - 500 bar
- 1,000 merit points - Master Level and Master bar
- 1,500 merit points - Associate Level and Associate bar
- 2,500 merit points - Fellow Level and Fellow bar
- 4,000 merit points - Horizon Level and Horizon bar
- 10,000 merit points - Diamond Level and Diamond bar
Members who have reached the Master Level and above are also awarded plaques at the annual banquet in December. For a full explanation, please refer to the Nevada Camera Club Member Handbook. This can be found under Our Club - Publications - Merits Pages. If you have any further questions, feel free to contact the person in charge of Merits listed in the our Monthly Focal Expressions.
NCC Merit Awards (Master and above)
as of March 9, 2025
Diamond — 10,000 Merit Points
- Anne Carter
- Allan Duff
- Dennis Gershick
- Jerome Hamilton
- Kitty Heckendorf
- Linda Hicks
- Rick Holmes
- William L. Payne
- Janice Phillips
- Gary Potts
- Mary V. Sheets
- Edward Stiglitz
Horizon — 4,000 Merit Points (Fellow — Life Time Member)
- Paul Bessette
- Beverlin Blakely
- Michael Braunstein
- Julie Chadburn
- Valerie Christiansen
- Stephen Cupp
- Allan Duff
- E. Ann Etheridge
- Robert Farnham
- Tim Fogliani
- Bob Furtek
- Darryl Ginwright
- Joan Goddard
- Barbara Gonzales
- Harry Ghuman
- Richard Heckendorf
- Craig Hicks
- Linda Hicks
- Tom Jones IV
- Charlene Kell
- Karrol Kelly
- John Lehr
- Don Lytton
- Rita Maroun
- Kent Nash
- Jane Noland
- Sheree Norman
- Dean Otteson
- Frank Porter
- Toby Power
- Harriet Smith
- Juliana Stratton
- Michael Stratton
- Betty Twers
- Johan Van De Stadt
- Ron Vicker
- Douglas Walsh
- Cindy Wilson
Fellow — 2,500 Merit Points
- Laurie Adams
- Richard Battey
- Paul Bessette
- Beverlin Blakely
- Ken Bloom
- Stan Braaten
- Kate Butler
- Tom Chapman
- Lance Cheung
- Valerie Christiansen
- Sandi Conn
- Leslie Gertie
- Darryl Ginwright
- Keith Grove
- Linda Heckendorf
- Louise Hesse
- Terri Hutchings
- Barbara Jenkin
- Malcolm Jenkin
- Stan Kaules
- Brent Land
- Cathy Loftfield
- Jim Loftfield
- Vince Melandri
- Kimberly Nisenshal
- Richard P. Perkins
- Diana Petersen
- Felipe Qui
- Rob Raymond
- Roni Ronemus
- Jim Sheets
- Sara A. Smith
- Paul Sobel
- Juliana Stratton
- Chuck Swift
- Frank Walters
- Phoebe Wrighter
Associate — 1,500 Merit Points
- Mary Alexander
- Narcy Alprecht
- Tom Atkinson
- Elaine Biesemeyer
- Donna Bloom
- Susan Bouet
- Annie Brisk
- Michael Caristo
- Julie Chadburn
- Kim Cochrane
- Hal du Pont
- Nitin Engineer
- Len Falkenthal
- Ed Foster
- Robin Foster
- Clayton Fox
- Ron Fraass
- Harry Ghuman
- Tim Gonick
- Jon Hayslip
- Jason Hekkert
- Terri Hutchings
- Karla Jordan
- Dale Kavula
- Bill Kutcher
- Rodney Langston
- Robert Linebaugh
- Tom Losh
- Virginia Losh
- Dick Madigan
- Gayla Malcolm
- Wilson Matos
- Charles Nauman
- Bill Pearson
- Hugo Pech
- JarieLyn Robbins
- Eileen Rosenthal
- Jim Sage
- George Savage
- Shelly Schwartz
- Jim Smith
- Joyce Sorenson
- Michael Stratton
- Nancy Van Weezel
- Gary Veneklasen
- Narda Walters
- Susan Webb
- Velva West
- Bill Zielinski
- Michael Zbiegien
Master — 1,000 Merit Points
- Rolando Adriano
- Narcy Alprecht
- JoMar Alwes
- Pabs Balane
- Mario Calandrino
- Chip Chisena
- Tish Cullen
- Steven Dean
- Ray Dietzway
- Barbara du Pont
- Shirley Fife
- Sheri Ann Forbes
- Stacey Garry
- Robert Goddard
- Rudy Gonzales
- Bev Hart
- Bob Heckman
- Gordon Herpst
- John Andrew Hughes
- Dale Kavula
- Lenore Kerner
- Frank Lang
- Rodney Langston
- Ron Levandoski
- Doreen Lawrence
- Carol McGovern
- Sergio Medina
- Mary Ann Mikitaroff
- Charles Nauman
- Ray Navage
- Janet Nelson
- Pam Nickels
- Robert Oberman
- Constantin Ochescu
- Robert Oberman
- Avi Ostrowsky
- Barry Parekh
- Tracy Quintana
- Matt Rinaldi
- Marc Rosenthal
- Jim Ryan
- Linda Rybicki
- Ira Shames
- John Short
- Tom Shrout
- Robert Siebert
- Anders Sorensen
- Jeanne Staley
- Michael Sullivan
- Scott Terkel
- John Thomas
- Florence Turner
- Jay Wanta
- David Weinstein
- Joe Wilson
- Garrett Winslow